Thursday, April 7, 2016

episode 15 - (((listen)))

Welcome to The Vault
episode #15
recorded 04/07/16
Jack Grisham - T.S.O.L.
Julia Smut - Smut Peddlers

Today we talk about white heroes, triggers, behind the scenes music nerd info, people pleasing, the recording process, etc… If you like it, leave a comment here and we'll do another one.


  1. Fully love all these episodes. Thanks for the call BTW last week Jack. It really brightened up my life, and more importantly, showed me an example of the connectivity and being of service, in your latest book, which I intend to do to get out of my own head (where I spend way too much time). I even ordered Richard Rohr's book based on you dropping his name. You and Julie are ultra terrific and you are heroes that transend race. Superfan here. Glenn Roberts
