Wednesday, December 30, 2015

episode 6 (((listen)))

Welcome to The Vault
episode #6
recorded 12/30/15
Jack Grisham - T.S.O.L.
Julia Smut - Smut Peddlers

While also broadcasting live on Periscope, we discuss the holidays, Lemmy, Bill Cosby, An American Demon on, minimalist living costs a lot, we figure out which day is what date, etc... If you like it, leave a comment here and we'll do another one.


  1. Tsol should have been more like Duran Duran and tried crazier shit like techno rock and stuff like that. They would have been a much bigger band and more fun. I hate that they just make punk shit because no one will Herr how good they could have been. BTW fuck grisham for being am cuckold bitch and not being wise to the shit that's going on. Trump ftw

  2. If anyone doubts my point just look up lords of the new church. Punks gone dance music. Always a good thing
