Sunday, September 22, 2019

we're back in 2019 (((listen)))

Welcome back to The Vault
episode #24 coming soon
September 2019
Jack Grisham - T.S.O.L.
Julia Smut - Smut Peddlers

It's taken too long to get back to doing this. In preparation, we had planned on giving a listen to a few of the old episodes. We are now seeing that they are not working. We've researched and gone back and forth with ways to make them play again, but no luck. We'll try one more fix, but if that doesn't work, we may have to delete the old files in order to make room for new episodes. Fingers crossed.

We will be going live on Facebook when we do it, but we will also have to get the episodes hosted somewhere. We had to buy some new equipment as well... the crate of gear we had before was stolen! We like bringing you into our world, but we're not really wanting to have to pay to do so, so we ask you to become one of our PATREONS on our PATREON site: It's just YOUR way of letting us know you like listening. It's a monthly donation of YOUR choice. Seriously, you can kick in a couple bucks a month? Come on... you can steal that from your co-workers desk drawer every month!!!